VIGO COUNTY, Ind. (WTWO/WAWV) — Earlier this week, Fayette Elementary School held its annual career day for 3rd through 5th grade students.
The elementary school invited those of all career fields to come and speak, show demonstrations, and conduct activities with the students.
WTWO/WAWV’s very own Chief Meteorologist Jesse Walker, and Julia Prickett were in attendance to talk about all things weather with the students.
Fayette Elementary School Counselor Monica Tener-Smith, spoke about how crucial it is for the students to see and learn from those in a variety of fields.
“Many parents and community organizations come in and talk to the kids about their careers,” said Tener-Smith. “(Students) get to see people just ordinary people. They tell them what their everyday life is like, show them the tools, and the things they use.”
There were over 30 careers represented at the career day including radiologists, realtors, engineers, meteorologists, and nurses.
With the recent Indiana diploma changes, the Fayette Elementary School Counselor mentions how important it is to educate the students for their future.
“Indiana requires that we talk about it from kindergarten on up to 5th grade. In 9th grade, they are going to have to narrow down from all the possibilities down to a pathway. We talk about it as a journey. You’ve got to go down the right road to get to the right place. You can’t go down the wrong road and expect to be what you want to be… so you have to make a choice,” said Tener-Smith.
Fayette Elementary School has held its annual Career Day for over 10 years, every spring.